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Posts tagged ‘RStudio’

Screen Time and Notifications

Is screen time beneficial or harmful? In this lesson, students will learn how to collect data on the hours they spend on their smartphones and represent it visually. They will also explore a correlation analysis between the two quantitative variables of hours of screen time and number of notifications.

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Using RStudio Cloud in the Classroom

Lucy D'Agostino McGowan and Shannon Ellis recently presented a virtual workshop for introductory statistics instructors (high school or college) that focused on using RStudio Cloud in the classroom.

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STATS4STEM.ORG: A Statistical Learning Platform for Educators and Their Students

A team funded by the National Science Foundation is building STATS4STEM.ORG, a statistics-learning website with cutting-edge data, computing, and statistical learning resources. Project lead Eric Simoneau shows the current functionality of the site and shares the timeline for enhancements.

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