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Posts tagged ‘data analysis’

Association Between Gender and Sport Watching Preference?

This lesson explores the relationship between gender and sports preferences using data from a two-way table. Students will analyze the data with methods like chi-square tests, bar graphs, and mosaic plots, using Stapplet for the analysis.

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ASA/NCTM Joint Committee Members Share Favorite Resources

Discover resources for teaching statistics and data science: Against All Odds, Census at School, and InSTEP.

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Data Science in Secondary Grades: Exploring Our Communities Through Pictures

Pictures, sounds, and text are all considered data. How can these types of data be incorporated into the school curriculum to better prepare students for today’s societal needs? The authors introduced a data science investigation that uses pictures as data in their middle and high school classes to find out.

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Data Science in Secondary Grades: Exploring Our Communities Through Pictures

Pictures, sounds, and text are all considered data. How can these types of data be incorporated into the school curriculum to better prepare students for today’s societal needs? The authors introduced a data science investigation that uses pictures as data in their middle and high school classes to find out.

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