ASA/NCTM Joint Committee Members Share Favorite Resources
Discover resources for teaching statistics and data science: Against All Odds, Census at School, and InSTEP.
Dec 9
Discover resources for teaching statistics and data science: Against All Odds, Census at School, and InSTEP.
Nov 13
In today’s rapidly changing world, the integration of AI-based technologies like ChatGPT into education has sparked an ongoing debate between teachers and students. Many educators worry using AI-driven tools for learning may lead to laziness in students and discourage them from conducting their own research.
Nov 13
The free meetups (via Zoom) offer teachers a chance to share resources and discuss K–12 statistics topics, including the AP Statistics exam and statistics reading, assessment, applets, software resources, and lesson plans.
Nov 13
Michael Hansen has taught AP Statistics for 25 years and high-school computer science for about 13 years. This summer, he used ChatGPT to help him write a Python application of about 3,000 lines. Here are his top 10 takeaways from that experience.
Nov 12
ASA offers free K–12 teacher meet-ups (via Zoom) to share resources and discuss K–12 statistics topics. Topics have included the AP Statistics exam and statistics reading, assessment, applets, software resources, and lesson plans.
Mar 25
Lucy D'Agostino McGowan and Shannon Ellis recently presented a virtual workshop for introductory statistics instructors (high school or college) that focused on using RStudio Cloud in the classroom.
Mar 15
A team funded by the National Science Foundation is building STATS4STEM.ORG, a statistics-learning website with cutting-edge data, computing, and statistical learning resources. Project lead Eric Simoneau shows the current functionality of the site and shares the timeline for enhancements.
Sep 15
As you plan how you will get your students working together and how you will assess their learning, we want to share some of our favorite technology ideas in this month's Technology column.
Feb 25
In this column, we will discuss and describe educational technology to support K–12+ pedagogy and practice.
Feb 17
Although it is clearly possible for two people to share a birthday, our experiences (and intuition) inform us that it is more likely that two people will have different birthdays. That is to say, the probability of a shared birthday between two people is close to zero. However, the chance of a shared birthday may increase if a larger group of people is considered.
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